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[CK] LVAD parameter review. [ ] tree !!

lvad troubleshoot에 대한 이미지 검색결과

Vital(BP): hypo, hyper.
PEx(JVP): volume status

1st. PI(3-7)= contractility and volume status(high volume only cause high PI)
overload = high PI.
low volume = low PI. (=low volume = low preload = RV failure, arrhythmia same thing)

HTN = low PI
low BP = low PI.
(only overload cause high PI = with high preload, but otherwise, BP, volume => cause low PI)

2nd. Flow(4-6)

3rd. Power(surge = only thrombus, 4-6)

lvad troubleshoot에 대한 이미지 검색결과

hypotension route (BP)
=> high VADFL = vasodilator, sepsis = R/O
=> low VADFL(most common)  with high JVP => RV failure, PE/tamponade, pneumothorax
                                                                              , then adjust LVAD(higher)
                                                with low JVP => volume depletion, arrhythmia(bleeding, volume 
1>BP  (2>FLOW 2.5>PI) 3>JVP

=> high VADFL(power) = pump thrombosis
=> High + high PI = more overload, higher contractility.

=> low FL and LO PI. = HTN or suction. 
      low PI = same as low flow model. (RV failure like with JVP) 

=> low Flow, low PI. 

=> without exam? 
=> with exam? 
=============> guide line 

High Po(Flow), Low PI, fluctuation speed = special occasion = pump thrombosis, hypotension
High Po(Flow) high PI = Fluid overload
Low Po(flo), low PI = HTN
Low Po(flow), high PI = suction event. or HTN . SO HTN => NOT RELATED TO PI !!!?? 


  • Assess perfusion and general state (mental status, skin temp/color, capillary refill, etc)
    • LVADs are preload dependant - if symptoms of hypoperfusion, give fluid blous
  • HR measured via ECG or auscultation (may be difficult secondary to pump noise)
  • Get 12-lead ECG on all LVAD patients
    • Demonstrates primary cardiac disease[6]
    • Generally, VAD does not influence underlying cardiac rhythm
  • Bedside echo if able, formal echo if available
  • Blood pressure measured with manual BP cuff and Doppler ultrasound - MAP is identified when constant flow is heard
  • Basic labs (CBC, CMP, Coags) should be obtained on all LVAD patients
  • LDH elevation over 1,150 IU/L suggestive of pump thrombosis[7]
    • Approximate sensitivity of ~80% and specificity of 90%
    • Hemolysis within thrombosed pump releases LDH
  • Assess LVAD status
    • Auscultate for pump noise
    • Device parameters (found on controller)
      • Pump speed - varies by device - 2,000-10,000 RPM
      • Power - normal 4-6 Watts
      • Flow - normal 4-6 L/min
      • Pulsatility Index (PI) - normal 1-10
        • Measures magnitude of pulsatile flow provided by native cardiac contractions
        • Higher PI = less LVAD support
    • Clinical status more important than LVAD parameters


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