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[CK] CVD familiar history. [ ] Former smoking?

You are considered to have a family history of cardiovascular disease if:
If you have family history of cardiovascular disease, make sure you tell your doctor or nurse. They may want to check your blood pressure and cholesterol.
If you are over 40 years of age, you can visit your doctor and ask for a heart health check to find out your risk of getting cardiovascular disease.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[CK] Preventing aspiration.

960 × 720 저작권 보호를 받는 이미지일 수 있습니다.    자세히 알아보기 https://www.google.com/search?q=position+to+prevent+aspiration&rlz=1C1GCEV_enUS820US820&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ8NbnkoDfAhUs4YMKHZhrBM8Q_AUICSgA&biw=1177&bih=859&dpr=1 HOB 30-45 degree. => resting turn head to Rt. side. or lateral position => for seizing or unconsciousness. 

[CK] STEMI_EKG learning.

892 × 548 저작권 보호를 받는 이미지일 수 있습니다.    자세히 알아보기 ECG - Common STEMI Mimics | Grays Integrative Physiology Grays Integrative Physiology Mimics will not produce reciprocal changes. If RCs in related leads, should consider it a STEMI. 방문 추가 컬렉션 공유

[CK] LVAD parameter review. [ ] tree !!

Vital(BP): hypo, hyper. PEx(JVP): volume status -------------------------------- 1st. PI(3-7)= contractility and volume status(high volume only cause high PI) overload = high PI. low volume = low PI. (=low volume = low preload = RV failure, arrhythmia same thing) HTN = low PI low BP = low PI. (only overload cause high PI = with high preload, but otherwise, BP, volume => cause low PI) 2nd. Flow(4-6) overload, 3rd. Power(surge = only thrombus, 4-6) hypotension route (BP) => high VADFL = vasodilator, sepsis = R/O => low VADFL(most common)  with high JVP => RV failure, PE/tamponade, pneumothorax                                                                               , then adjust LVAD(higher)                ...